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Internet of things

Embedded processing performance and power efficiency, interoperability and security are key to a sustainable IoT. Performance and power-efficiency, particularly at the end node level, are prerequisites while interoperability and security have the potential to directly impact end-user experience and acceptance. Said another way, connected devices that don’t work well together can lead to consumer frustration while those lacking proper security protocols engender privacy concerns and fear for personal safety.


Challenges facing a secure internet of things


While the full scope of security concerns is broad, NXP sees four key challenges impacting the evolution to a secure IoT:

1. Emergence of consumer IoT solutions introduced by startup companies, for which security may not be a focus. Gartner projects by 2017 more than half of all IoT solutions will originate from companies less than three years old.

2. A lack of system security standards for end nodes, where performance and low power requirements make security integration difficult.

3. Increasing complexity of end node security as the car itself becomes an end node. The more than 100 ECUs in the average car are now adding wireless connectivity, opening up new vulnerabilities to data privacy and driver safety.

4. New challenges of securing data with evolution of Software Defined Networking. The physical separation of the control and data plane in virtualized environments requires secure data over multiple miles versus inches in traditional networks. Other challenges exist in securing multiple channels for every communication versus one in traditional networks.


Enabling the internet of tomorrow

FutureThe Internet of Tomorrow is the advancement of the Internet of Things where secure solutions exist across every touchpoint, from the end node to the network to the cloud.
With a leading portfolio of secure, embedded processors and multi-faceted sensors at its foundation, NXP is well positioned to deliver the right embedded solution for an IoT product design with the highest levels of integrated security. Read more 
In addition, we are focused on several initiatives intended to help establish standards and drive industry metrics for IoT security assurance. These initiatives include:
Driving standards for development of secure end node systems — NXP is teaming with the Embedded Microprocessor Benchmarking Consortium (EEMBC) to identify critical embedded security gaps, and collaborate with other consortium members to establish guidelines helping IOT OEMs and system designers better secure IoT transactions and endpoints.
Establishing NXP Security Labs – Centers of Excellence — Located at NXP headquarters and other locations worldwide, along with our partners and customers, will focus on the enhancement of IoT security technologies spanning from the cloud to the end node. Alongside these CoEs is the commitment to allocate up to 10 percent of NXP annual R&D budget on IoT security technologies.
Developing startup and technology incubator programs with emphasis on security education and training— a program dedicated to educating startups on IoT security best practices and providing best-in-class security support through access to NXP’s partner ecosystem.


NXP IoT security solutions
