Factory Automation

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EBV Factory Automation whitepaper

With the whitepaper series, we provide an overview of key trends in Factory Automation and introduce you to applications and technologies in several issues.

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Unlock the Future of Factory Automation:
Whitepaper Compendium

Discover the latest trends and technologies shaping the future of factory automation in our comprehensive whitepaper series.

Issue 1: Factory Automation – The trends of success
Explore the significance of security protocols, real-time networking, AI-enabled robots, and innovative VR/AR technologies in modern manufacturing.

Issue 2: Unlock the potential of Factory Communications with EBV
Uncover how cutting-edge solutions like Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Single-Pair Ethernet (SPE) are revolutionizing factory communications, driving efficiency and seamless connectivity.

Issue 3: Control Level – HMI
Dive into the critical role of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Industrial PCs (IPCs) in interpreting data and transforming operations through IoT and edge processing.

Issue 4: Unveiling the foundation – Field Level devices in Industrial Automation
Learn about the essential sensors, actuators, and digital I/O devices at the base of the automation pyramid, and how partners like EBV Elektronik streamline development cycles.

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Issue 1: Factory Automation – The trends of success

The first issue compiles the trends and essential technologies and their growing importance.

We discuss in detail the significance of security protocols, time-sensitive networking (TSN), and single-pair Ethernet (SPE) for real-time synchronization, the importance of data transfer security via Ethernet, the growing prominence of AI-enabled robots for process optimization, cost efficiency, and real-time data analytics, the emergence of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for innovative manufacturing processes and human-machine collaboration, including collaborative robots (cobots), and advancements in industrial robots and automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

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Issue 2: Unlock the potential of Factory Communications with EBV

Dive into the future of Factory Automation with EBV Elektronik's latest whitepaper! Uncover how innovations like Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Single-Pair Ethernet (SPE) are revolutionising factory communications, offering high-speed, reliable, and cost-effective solutions. This comprehensive guide illuminates the path for engineers and managers to connect seamlessly with the shop floor, enhancing efficiency and decision-making.

Learn how EBV's expertise in industrial networking systems, including IP-based communication, can empower your digital transformation journey. Don't miss this chance to explore the technologies driving modern factories towards a smarter tomorrow.

Register here to download your copy of the Factory Communications article!

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Issue 3: Control Level - HMI
The IoT drives innovation in Factory Automation

Take a closer look at the technologies which make up the control level – or level 1 of the ISA-95 framework - of factory automation systems. Understand the key role played by Programmable Logic Controllers, (PLCs) and Industrial PCs, (IPCS) in interpreting and responding to data generated by the underlying field devices. This new article sheds light on the critical functions performed by control-level devices and discusses how the IoT and Edge processing are transforming the role of these devices, enabling AI techniques to unlock new business models.

Learn how EBV’s comprehensive portfolio of hardware and software solutions, along with their extensive experience in industrial automation systems can help your business drive value from these advanced technologies.

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Issue 4: Unveiling the Foundation

Field level devices in Industrial Automation

Dive into the final installment of our industrial automation series, spotlighting field level devices—the base of the automation pyramid. Discover how sensors, actuators, and digital I/O devices generate crucial data and respond to commands to shape the operational environment. As the market brims with advanced technologies, OEMs must navigate the complexities of component selection. Learn how ecosystem partners like EBV Elektronik are pivotal in streamlining development cycles and accelerating time-to-market. Explore the essential types of field level devices and their integral roles in modern automation systems.

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