Conflict mineral policy statement
On July 21, 2010, the Dodd‐Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law. The Dodd-Frank Act and related U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules require certain companies to disclose the extent to which the products they manufacture or contract to manufacture contain so‐called conflict minerals sourced from mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”) or adjoining countries. Conflict minerals include tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold, which are used in many electronic components and computer products.
As a global distributor of electronic components, computer products and embedded technology, Avnet promotes the traceability of these minerals and the transparency of the supply chain. Avnet firmly believes that its customers should be fully informed about the products they purchase. While Avnet, as a distributor, is not able to certify as to the country of origin of the minerals contained in the products manufactured by Avnet’s suppliers, Avnet is committed to working with its customers to supply products that meet the customer’s specifications. Important information on the use of conflict minerals in the technology supply chain is being compiled by the Electronics Components Industry Association and the Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition. This information may be viewed at
With respect to those limited aspects of Avnet's business that manufacture or contract to manufacture products that contain conflict minerals that are necessary to the functionality or production of the product, Avnet does not directly purchase any conflict minerals from any source and endeavors not to purchase products that contain conflict minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the DRC or adjoining countries. Avnet expects its suppliers to these aspects of its business to only source minerals from responsible sources.
Avnet fully understands the importance of this issue to its customers and is committed to supply chain initiatives and overall corporate social responsibility and sustainability efforts that work towards a conflict free supply chain. We are encouraging all of our suppliers to likewise support these efforts and make information on the origin of their product components easily accessible on their websites and through
Social Leadership
Avnet Sustainability Report
Consider three of our areas of focus: community engagement, environmental sustainability and ethics and governance.
Social Leadership
Environmental Certifications
EBV Elektronik only works together with such printing companies which can guarantee through certification that all printed material goes through a climate-neutral process. The identifiable symbol is the certification ‘Climate-Neutral Printing’.
Social Leadership
As distributors, Avnet and EBV does not certify compliance with REACH and RoHS on behalf of their original manufacturers. EBV does encourage its manufacturers to make their environmental information available on their websites.
Social Leadership
Code of Conduct
Avnet's Code of Conduct clearly details how we conduct ourselves in every aspect of business. It is a commitment to our stakeholders that they can count on us to operate with respect, honesty and fairness in all interactions.